Life after the #CIBSEYEA Awards? Graduate of the Year Award 2018 Finalist Hannah Müller-Jones: 6 months on

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Welcome to our #CIBSEYEA blog series.

This month, we are visiting CIBSE ASHRAE Graduate of the Year Award 2018 Finalist Hannah Müller-Jones to share her guidance and words of encouragement aimed at recent graduates considering entering the CIBSE ASHRAE Graduate of the Year Award.

Before we speak to Hannah though, a quick recap on the Award entry rules:
>> The competition is open to both CIBSE members and non-members around the world.
>> Candidates may be put forward by their college, university or employer, and must have graduated in a discipline related to building services within the last two years. There is no age restriction.
>> All shortlisted finalists are invited to give a short five minute presentation to the judging panel and an audience at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London in October.
>> The award boasts a prestigious judging panel including the presidents of CIBSE, ASHRAE and the IMechE. All finalists and guests will also be invited to an evening dinner and drinks reception following the Awards event.

Meet Hannah Müller-Jones: 
CIBSE ASHRAE Graduate of the Year Award 2018 finalist: 6 months on. 

"Coming in second place is much like being the middle child, you get all the exposure to what your older sibling is doing without all the responsibility. Becoming the CIBSE ASHRAE Graduate of the Year Award 2018 finalist has led to participating in other high-profile sector events, creating new contacts and opportunities – including a great ski holiday courtesy of the prize money!

I have been a Mechanical Engineer with BuroHappold Engineering (BH) for the entirety of my post-graduation life, something which seems rare in our industry, but my job has been very varied. I have been fortunate in BH to work on a variety of amazing projects, from large team metro stations and office complexes to leading small scale resi projects and even a gorilla sanctuary. I’m also very keen on efficiency (it’s the German heritage) and using coding to achieve this, but more on that later.

The 2018 Young Engineers Awards (YEA) presentation topic focused on how the industry manages professional competence and upholding of standards. Unsure of where to start, I threw a curve ball, looking back to my Mechanical Engineering degree where I streamed in management, the obtaining of which meant taking a module in risk management.

This heavily influenced my view on the topic, where a tick box of competence and standards can be upheld on a project but a combination of factors viewed in isolation or un-considered factors can cause failure, leading to the assertation that we are each responsible as Engineers.

I didn’t realise how large the YEA event was until the Awards Ceremony day and was thoroughly inspired by the other finalists: their roles, enthusiasm and view on the topic.

I was only there due to Kaval Patel (Regional Discipline Lead, BH) telling me I should apply and the help of Lee Hargreaves (Associate Director, BH) and my line manager Kenichi Hamada (Associate, BH) rounding off the list of things I had been doing in my role.

"I’m very glad that I did enter."

Since the Awards Ceremony evening, within CIBSE alone, I have been to several events, including the Building Performance Awards and the Year of Engineering celebration at Westminster Abbey. Within the digital world, I have further been involved with the UK BIM alliance, which led to representing the engineer on a panel at BIM Show Live and was a finalist in the Society of Digital Engineering’s Digital Engineer of the Year.

Additionally, the Rumford Club, who sponsor some of the prizes for YEA, kindly invite the finalists to a dinner and through them, I have joined the R70L STEM programme.

"I have always been keen on STEM activities and getting young people involved in engineering, however, an ambassador needs to be a good role model not only to those entering the profession but to those already in it too."

This leads back to the efficiency through coding I mentioned earlier, which has been my passion for the past few years. The general idea is using visual programming to do the mundane monotonous tasks to free up our time for amazing engineering.

"I have trained the London team in dynamo and it is being used on projects across our portfolio."

Finally, some words on the CIBSE ASHRAE Graduate of the Year Award 2019… Firstly, Enter!

There was an amazing, varied group of finalists and even if you don’t get to the finals – it’s always worth writing down your achievements for the next Award! And if you do get through, don’t be scared to throw a curve ball."

Hannah receives her accolades at the 2018 Awards Ceremony, October 2018

2019 entries are now closed. Thank you for all your interest and participation. 

Hear from #CIBSEYEA past winners and finalists: 

About the Awards

The CIBSE Young Engineers Awards recognise and reward the innovative thinking, hard work and skills of graduate engineers, whilst also showcasing employers who are truly committed to developing and encouraging young talent. The awards are open to both CIBSE members and non-members alike.

There are two categories:

CIBSE Employer of the Year Award
CIBSE ASHRAE Graduate of the Year Award

These critical to the future of the sector Awards, delivered in partnership with CIBSE Patrons are possible thanks to our dedicated sponsors and partners. We would like to thank Baxi Heating, Kingspan. Swegon and Tamlite Lighting for sponsoring the Awards, and CIBSE ASHRAE Group and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for their ongoing support.


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