
Showing posts from June, 2016

Great lives

It’s the week after National Women in Engineering Day ( #NWED2016 ) and the results of our exclusive poll on the most inspiring women engineers you voted for are being counted. This week, CIBSE Press Officer Matt Snowden takes a look at some information about some of the most popular entries nominees. We’ve had a phenomenal response to our poll, and we’re thrilled that so many people have been inspired by women past and present who have blazed trails in the engineering industry. What has been particularly interesting to see is the sheer variety of engineers suggested, with over 20 separate individuals receiving votes, showing that women engineers occupy a greater place in the public consciousness than we often realise. We’ve had a look at your responses, and here are some of the top choices (in no particular order). Watch this space, because soon we'll be announcing the engineers past and present in full who have inspired you most. We're also dedicating our second ...

And now for something completely different...

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers is launching its very first podcast, titled #Build2Perform and  focused  on discussing the latest events and ideas around building performance in the built environment. To introduce the first in a monthly series this week’s blog is by Matt Snowden, CIBSE Press and PR Executive , and co-host of the new show. We at CIBSE are always looking for ways to bring you new and exciting content on building performance, and this week we’re proud to announce the first edition of our new #Build2Perform Podcast. My colleague Sara Kassam, Head of Sustainability Development at CIBSE , and I will be bringing you a new episode every month, with discussion on the latest news and views in building performance. Alongside the podcast, we will also be publishing and accompanying blog (this month it's below the podcast!) that will contain more information on the topics discussed as well as links and images to help you learn more. ...

The digital engineer

Bored with BIM? For all the potential that the technology holds, it's something that industry professionals are finding hard to get excited about. CIBSE BIM Consultant Carl Collins writes for us this week about how we can fall back in love with data. Be honest: How many people do you know that are actually excited about BIM these days? It is trumpeted every day in trade media as the solution to just about everything in its many forms, and the possibilities are undeniably exciting. So why is it that, on your average project, the BIM aspect is about as inspiring as doing your tax return? It has an image of rules and regulations, compliance and guidelines. An annoying box to be ticked. Somewhere along the line BIM got institutionalised – it ditched the jeans and t-shirt and put on a grey suit. It stopped being inspiring and became just another tool in the box for meeting project requirements, and staying the right side of the law. But it wasn’t always this way. It might ...

Finding inspiration

As part of National Women in Engineering Day 2016, organised by the Women's Engineering Society, CIBSE has organised a brand new survey to determine who you think is the most inspiring women engineer in history, and who inspires you today. Matt Snowden, CIBSE PR and Communications Executive , explains more. CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY CIBSE is an institution for everyone who is passionate about building services engineering and the good it does in society, and we’re firmly of the opinion that the more people we can encourage into our exciting, ground-breaking, life-saving industry, the better. A big part of what we do is to spread the public benefit of building services engineering and to do that to the best of our ability without engaging more than half the population is an unachievable task. Women engineers are still a minority in the engineering industry That’s why we’re so excited by the work of a fellow engineering organisation – the Women’s Engineering Society ...