Looking after the pennies
As part of our series looking into alternative sources of energy, we've examined micro-CHP , heat pumps , solar panels and heat networks . This week, we take a different view from Prof. Andrew Geens , who believes the cleanest unit of energy is the one you don't use... Having pledged to join the ranks of countries to ratify the COP21 protocols, and having already signed into law the target to reduce UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 by 57% relative to 1990 levels, the Government now finds itself facing a race against time to make some pretty substantial cuts to its emissions. The #Build2Perform blog has featured several articles making the case for alternative methods of energy generation that are greener than our current crop of fossil fuelled power stations, but some of these are just less polluting, not pollution-free, and even wind turbines and solar panels aren’t 100% carbon neutral. They still need to be manufactured and assembled, then transported across the world...