Richard Holmes, the Low Carbon Consultant Building Design trainer

Meet Richard Holmes, the Low Carbon Consultant Building Design trainer . Richard has been a trainer with CIBSE since 2022 and his area of expertise is energy and carbon in buildings and organisations. "Questions and queries allow a trainer to get a sense of how well the course is going and if anything needs to be reinforced or added." - Richard Holmes Tell us a little about yourself Richard Holmes: I started my environmental journey in 1989 when I enrolled on a degree course in “Science and The Environment”. After the course I was lucky enough to get some voluntary work with a local environmental charity leading to a job working in energy and carbon issues for Leicester City Council, which was part of the Energy Saving Trust Advice Network and a European Energy Agency. I loved it! I ran various advice and communication projects, working with the media and raising the profile of energy issues, while trialling ideas as pilot projects similar to w...