Swegon delighted to support emerging generation at #CIBSEYEA 2019
Welcome to our #CIBSEYEA blog series. The CIBSE Young Engineers Awards recognise and reward the innovative thinking, hard work and skills of graduate engineers, whilst also showcasing employers who are truly committed to developing and encouraging young talent. These critical to the future of the sector Awards, delivered in partnership with CIBSE Patrons, are possible thanks to our dedicated sponsors and partners. Today, we would like to thank one of the long-standing Award supporters, Swegon , for joining us for the seventh year in a row. "The Awards programme provides a procession of impressive candidates every year and so should give us all great hope for the future. It also demonstrates the many and varied routes into our industry that are now available to young people from all backgrounds." We invite you to read below an inspiring account from Swegon's Managing Director, Robin Vollert, on how their ongoing association with the Awards confirms...