
Showing posts from October, 2021

CIBSE Knowledge - Behind the scenes: an interview with the authors of 'Heat pump installations for multi-unit residential buildings' (AM16)

CIBSE Knowledge has recently launched  Heat pump installations for multi-unit residential buildings (AM16) . We welcome its four main authors - Joshua Bird , Ilaria Ricci Curbastro ,   Mike Edwards and Iona Norton -  to share insights about AM16 and their work in building services. Because the delivery of heat pumps is so important in the decarbonisation of the UK economy, it was important to us that this guide would help people get their decision making and design decisions right so that they are designing and delivering successful heat pump installations that provide affordable, low-carbon heat to people’s homes. Mike Edwards Iulia Margineanu, Services Marketing Executive:  Thank you for making time to chat with us. Could you tell us about yourselves? Mike Edwards : I am a building services engineer and project director at Arup. I have had various roles with Arup since graduating including in our sustainability team, working overseas in the Middle East, a period ...