
Guest blog interview - Bob Bohannon, the CIBSE TM66 LIA trainer

  The LIA (Lighting Industry Association) has recently introduced a series of remote training sessions on  Creating a circular economy in the lighting industry (TM66) . They are divided into two modules, endorsed by CIBSE, and are designed to enhance your understanding and proficiency in utilising CIBSE's TM66 effectively. Bob Bohannon, the CIBSE TM66 LIA trainer, has shared his experience in teaching, TM66 and his background in lighting. What you can measure you can manage, TM66 is now enabling all sorts of organisations to either promote their sustainability, to take their first steps, or to demand sustainable products from their suppliers. - Bob Bohannon Tell us a little about yourself Bob Bohannon :  I ’ve been working in lighting for about 35 years and I’ve been privileged to work on some amazing buildings from St Pancras to the Iron Bridge and in all sectors from manufacturing, lighting design, volunteering for the Society of Light & Lighting and now being part of the in

Stephen Willett, the Fire Safety Building Regulations: Part B trainer

Meet Stephen Willett, the Fire Safety Building Regulations: Part B trainer. Stephen has been a trainer with CIBSE since 2021 and his area of expertise is fire. Keeping up with developments in building and systems design and technology puts the professional in a better position to ensure systems are fit for purpose and compliant with relevant legislation. - Stephen Willett Tell us a little about yourself Stephen Willett : I joined the fire service in 1989 as a firefighter and moved from operational to fire safety in 2003 until 2016, spending time as an inspecting officer and also a fire safety trainer towards the end of my service.  Since retiring from the fire service, I have been a senior fire consultant and fire safety tutor for a company that now trains most of the UK’s Fire and Rescue services fire safety departments. My current role is split between training development and delivery, but I still very much enjoy the teaching side of things.  What do you enjoy most about being a CI

In conversation with Stephen Hill, CIBSE Engineer of the Year

After his success at the CIBSE Building Performance Awards on 1 March 2023, we caught up with Stephen Hill, Associate Director in Arup's Building Performance Team and winner of the CIBSE Engineer of the Year. Stephen Hill (centre) wins CIBSE Engineer of the Year at the Building Performance Awards 2023 Tell us a bit about yourself... As an Associate Director in the Sustainability team at Arup, I get involved in everything from portfolio level sustainability strategies and masterplan frameworks through to delivering sustainability on individual development projects. For most of our clients the biggest challenge in the sustainability arena is understanding and navigating the transition to net zero carbon, whether for a portfolio or an individual building. With a background as a mechanical engineer, my area of expertise is operational energy and carbon, which  is focused on NABERS UK on many of our commercial projects. In my role as NABERS UK lead for Arup in London, I help our project

Richard Holmes, the Low Carbon Consultant Building Design trainer

Meet  Richard Holmes, the  Low Carbon Consultant  Building Design  trainer . Richard has been a trainer with CIBSE since 2022 and his area of expertise is energy and carbon in buildings and organisations. "Questions and queries allow a trainer to get a sense of how well the course is going and if anything needs to be reinforced or added." -  Richard Holmes Tell us a little about yourself Richard Holmes:   I started my environmental journey in 1989 when I enrolled on a degree course in “Science and The Environment”.  After the course I was lucky enough to get some voluntary work with a local environmental charity leading to a job working in energy and carbon issues for Leicester City Council, which was part of the Energy Saving Trust Advice Network and a European Energy Agency. I loved it! I ran various advice and communication projects, working with the media and raising the profile of energy issues, while trialling ideas as pilot projects similar to what would become Smart M

An interview with the authors of Dynamic thermal modelling of basic blinds (TM69)

To find out more about CIBSE’s newest Technical Memorandum,  Dynamic thermal modelling of basic blinds  (TM69) ,we have interviewed its main four authors: Professor Darren Woolf, Maria Gabriela da Silva Costa, Dr Bahareh Salehi and Elpida Vangeloglou . The ultimate goal of the document is to narrow the gap between predicted and actual performance of buildings, recognising the value of blinds in reducing peak energy loads and improving thermal comfort. - Elpida Vangeloglou Could you tell us about yourselves? Professor Darren Woolf: I have a number of roles and responsibilities which could lead me to describe myself as a professional juggler. My day job is Head of Building Physics at Wirth Research . We’re a wind, building physics and product design company specialising in high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD). I’ve been a visiting professor within the Building Energy Research Group at Loughborough University for over 10 years now and always enjoy the limited time I get to i

How to find your corporate training

How do you search for your employees’ training? Are you making the most of all the filters available to find the training you need? Here’s a small illustrated guide to some of the most popular training course filters.  1. Topic area  If you are looking to expand your employees’ knowledge in a particular area, you might be looking for the topic criteria. Remember to check if there are more options than displayed by scrolling up and down. 2. Learning format   There are various formats to choose your next employees’ training from when selecting the ‘Search training’ option, including:  Face-to-face - traditional classroom-style learning  Remote - Live online interactive classes  On Demand - study online at your own pace  Some training providers might also offer the option to take an exam after specific training courses.  You can read more about choosing remote vs on demand training from our previous blog .    3. Duration  It is important to know the amount of time your employees will re