Overextended yourself?

Confused about the ESOS compliance deadline? We have put together this handy guide below, which contains some good news for ISO 50001 users! Environment Agency (EA) advice on 5 th December deadline If an organisation makes a late notification they would be expected to keep records in their evidence pack of their efforts towards ESOS compliance, including appointment of a lead assessor, prior to the deadline. If your organisation cannot comply fully by 5 December 2015, you will need to inform the EA of this by the same date via an online portal, giving information on why you have been unable to comply and when you expect to submit your notification of compliance. Details of how to do this will be made available on the DECC ESOS webpages and via the ESOS newsletter nearer the deadline. Such organisations are advised to do as much as they can before the deadline. Subject to the above enforcement action will be deferred until 29 January 2016 or if the ISO 50001 alterna...