"I am playing a part in the move towards more sustainable building services" - #IamCIBSE
I am YEN Scotland
I am a Graduate Mechanical Building Services Engineer
I am playing a part in the move towards more sustainable building services
Welcome to the first of our #IamCIBSE blogs, where we'll be speaking to different individuals within the CIBSE community. We've started with Andrew Griffiths, a Graduate Mechanical Building Services Engineer at Arup and part of the Young Engineers Network (YEN) in the Scotland region.
I work in mechanical building services engineering working on thermal modelling, CFD, ventilation, heating, cooling and domestic water supply in a wide range of sectors
I always had an interest in engineering, buildings and renewable technologies, but it was not until visiting Northumbria University on an open day and going to a talk about Architectural Engineering, that I realised building services was the best option for all of my interests.
Playing a part in the move towards more sustainable building services makes me proud to be part of our industry.
I got involved with CIBSE as soon as I joined university but it was not until my 5th year that I actually joined the CIBSE YEN committee. I saw a talk from the North East YEN Chair and from there, decided to get involved with their events. I actually had the same opportunity in my 2nd year of university but didn’t understand what YEN did and made the mistake of not getting involved!
The CIBSE YEN socials are great for meeting other young engineers in the region, for hearing about local work that’s going on, discussing what companies are like to work for and possibly finding work.
These opportunities were all really beneficial when looking for graduate jobs in the last year of uni as it meant I had contacts from CIBSE events who I could go to for advice on who to apply with, how to apply and insight into what it is like to work in a certain firm before joining.
I recently relocated from the North East area to Scotland for work. Before the move, I was put in touch with the Chair of YEN Scotland and expressed my interest in moving to their committee. By the end of my first week in the new job, I had been added to the YEN Scotland committee. It’s been nice to still be part of CIBSE and YEN whilst changing region - just for keeping some normality and familiarity during the move.
If someone were considering getting involved with CIBSE, I’d tell them…
Just do it, it’s a great opportunity to network and get your face known within the region. The contacts you make are really beneficial throughout your career.
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