Get to know your trainers: Heather Beaumont, Electrical Services Explained trainer

Full name: Heather Beaumont

Topic area: Facilities Management

CIBSE Trainer since: 2019

Tell us a little about yourself 
I’ve been an engineer for over 35 years and am a STEM Ambassador.

What do you enjoy most about being a CIBSE trainer?   
Putting together the content and interaction with people.

Do you encounter any challenges as a trainer?
All training is a challenge as every session is different, that’s what makes it interesting.

What is your favourite part about your topic area?  
The diversity of buildings services and management.

Why do you think that it’s important that building services professionals keep up with their professional development?  
Building services change all the time and there are always new methods or technologies that we can employ to improve things. Keeping up to date is essential.

If you could go back to your younger self when you started working in building services, what advice would you give yourself or would you try to change some of the decisions and actions done then?  

Do more study!  I learned mainly on the job, researching and finding things out for myself to improve my skillset, thinking I wasn’t capable of doing more formal training. Now I know I can, I wish I’d done it earlier.

What would you tell someone who is just about to start or consider working in building services?  

Get involved with the building, learn how it operates. Examine what makes things work and how they could be better, or how they might stop working. Study everything and try to get some formal training in to back up your experience.

Find out more about Heather Beaumont’s training course: Electrical Services Explained

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