How to achieve the CIBSE Associate or Member grade in 2020

The next UK closing date for membership applications at the Associate and Member grade is 1 Feb 2020. Follow our guide below to ensure that you have everything organised in time for the upcoming deadline. 

October - Get Prepared

  • Download the application documentation, criteria and guidance for the Associate or Member grade.

November / December - Start Writing
  • Review your career to date and start writing down examples which demonstrate how you meet each of the competence criteria. 
  • Attend our Membership Application Workshop, run by CIBSE Interviewers themselves and designed to get you started on your Engineering Practice Report. (We run these through Nov - Dec) 

January - Ask for Feedback
  • Once your application is drafted, ask your sponsor to review and give feedback on what you have written. They will need to sign off your entire application and complete part of the application form, so make sure you leave enough time!
  • For an expert opinion, attend our Application Surgery or book a phone slot to have your application reviewed by trained CIBSE interviewers before you officially submit.
  • Submit a hard AND soft copy of your application to the CIBSE Membership Team by 1 Feb 2020

February / March - Prepare for Interview

  • Your interview will be scheduled for April/May but in the meantime you can start preparing by reading our Interview Guidance and watching our 'Top Tips' video

June - Celebrate!

  • It is likely that you will receive the results of your application in mid-June. If also applying for IEng/CEng registration, we will notify the Engineering Council so that they can issue you with your certificate and details of your professional registration. 
  • Celebrate your new title and recognition as an Associate or Member of CIBSE! 

For further information and guidance, including a full timeline of the application process please visit

If you are planning to apply and would like to discuss this further with our Membership team, please contact / 020 8772 3650


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