Heat rises

In this month's #Build2Perform podcast, CIBSE PR and Communications Executive Matt Snowden spoke to CIBSE's Dr Anastasia Mylona about what's inside the newly launched TM59: Design methodology for the assessment of overheating risk in homes

New guidance published by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) aims to address the causes of overheating in homes, as the UK enters a summer that could be the hottest since 1976.

Addressing what the industry had identified as a gap in its knowledge, CIBSE have created the new Technical Memorandum 59: Design methodology for the assessment of overheating risk in homes (TM59) in order to set a standard by which overheating can be assessed using a consistent methodology.

The new TM59, available now as a free download and officially launched at University College London on 28 June, has created a common approach that will see the whole industry consistently apply the same methodology. This approach may be crucial in the years ahead, with the MET Office reporting that the eight warmest years in the UK since 1910 have occurred in the last 14.

Further reading

TM59 on the CIBSE Knowledge Portal
The TM59 press release 


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